'#forKids #StayHome #WithMe The Space, including our planet Earth and other various planets, is unknown. Let\'s find out what kind of planets are there, together with the pretty moon and shiny stars. Here we go! A special space trip with JunyTony! Lyrics Mercury Venus Earth and Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune The closest planet to the sun, curious Mercury! The hottest and the brightest of all, victory Venus! A beautiful planet with a moon. It is the Earth and the moon! Rusty, dusty, rocky, chilly, marvelous Mars! Mercury Venus Earth and Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune The biggest and the heaviest, “Gas Giant” Jupiter! With beautiful beautiful rings, dancing Saturn! Always looking and spinning, sideways Uranus! The eighth planet, farthest from the sun, blue Neptune! Mercury Venus Earth and Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune Mercury Venus Earth and Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune Enjoy More Kids Songs and Stories by KizCastle! ▷Good Habits Songs : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8S8eg0WRLmjQy9-5F9r3BwK ▷Nursery Rhymes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTtbrVbKJHc&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8Rw_lmXSt1NS-QrncT8jHOI ▷Animal Songs : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxb_3r_ETf4&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8Rrcvr7_uoq405leQzJSo1p ▷Occupation Songs : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsozYmaVMCk&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8S_cP3oeOA3fitpSKVyPdB3 ▷Phonics Songs : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8R7dABS-T2V6XPmUpREerVr ▷Car Songs : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8TadHh7_f-6Ul5ygkOFEakR ▷Princess : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8RyoRfxf8ISILyD2c-6HR3f ▷Dinosaur Songs : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ9y9ROsUVE&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8QOrKmUvLWGQt85egG8XfpA ▷Explore World Songs : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8SafUkfejuqxC8zgRKKc1Ci ▷Story Musical : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMXFb0G1UO0&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8QGUkwag6yKfTw_Lt00nY6B Also Enjoy Our Songs on Online Music Streaming Sites! Itunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/1470280964 Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/s?k=juny+%26+tony&i=digital-music&ref=nb_sb_noss Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/744UcvhdY48X36jw65R2l0 Copyright © 2020 KizCastle. All Rights Reserved.'
Tags: science , for kids , nursery rhymes , children songs , toddler , stayhome , songs , kids songs , toddler songs , kids song , preschool songs , kids music , #forkids , baby rhymes , nursery songs , cartoon for children , WithMe , kids video , nursery rhymes songs , song for kids , English songs for kids , Planet song , solar system song , planets for kids , kids songs video , JunyTony , juny tony , juny and tony , juny & tony , 8 planets
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